Friday, March 18, 2011

and i'm off!

I hope you've all had a great week. It's been rainy rainy again here, but I'm off tomorrow for MADRID! Our spring break is next week, so I'll be in Madrid from Friday - Sunday (seeing Taylor Swift in concert with Raphi!), Valencia visiting Jada from Sunday - Wednesday, then heading to Morocco with Jada and her roommate Allison Thursday - Sunday, when I'll head back to Rome. I'll have so much to write about when I get back! I'm bringing my special notebook Marshall gave me before I left to jot down little happenings throughout the week, so you'll be all updated. No worries:)

mine's the center one!
As far as the rest of this week, Wednesday my honors class met at the Lorenzo Lotto exhibition near Venezia. It was really beautiful. He's one of my favorite artists of the 16th century, you should google some of his works to check it out. In fresco I was pleased that our teamwork effort from last week paid off and I only had some tiny cracking, so I didn't have to redo any of it! Yippee!!! I added on the bottom border during class. Over break, I'll have to plan out the main background that will go between the columns.

Tara left on Wednesay for Paris (she's seeing TSwift there tonight - sooo jealous), and Kaylie and Debbie left Wednesday night for London. Ashley and I had the apartment to ourselves Wednesday night, but we both ended up going to bed early. I'm trying to rest up for my week of travels! Ashley's boyfriend flew in Thursday morning, so she was up early and headed to Termini to meet him. I took my last round of meds to fight off this cold the night before, so I was COMPLETELY out until she knocked on my door at 10:30 letting me know that they were off to Cinque Terre. I (zombie-ly) met her boyfriend, and forced myself out of bed to begin the long day of laundry-ing and packing.

rainy rainy roma tiber waters overflowing
Silly me forgot that I'd actually have to WAIT for the clothes to dry before packing...remember, we don't have dryers here. So I got all my laundry done in the morning and relaxed the rest of the day. It was rainy rainy rainy, so I spent my time watching Angels and Demons. It was soooo cool to watch because the entire thing is filmed in Rome, so I knew all the different places they were! It was so cool! All of the main places in the movie are between a 10 and 25 (max) minute walk from my apartment, and I pass by those places all the time. How cool!!

I finished up packing this evening and for some reason am still not sleeping and it's getting close to 1am. Insomnia is not my friend. My flight's at 10 tomorrow which isn't too bad, but I still have to leave the apartment at 7am to get there in time with the whole public transportation thing. I'm so excited to be reunited with so many friends!! Just wanted to give you a heads up before I left that I won't be writing for awhile since I'll be in transit traveling the world. Check back for an update next Sunday (the 27th). I get home around 1pm (my time, of course) so by mid-afternoonish your time everything should be pictured and written up! Have a wonderful week, thinking about you always.

looooooooooooove and light:) sleepy tight!

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